Sunday, December 9, 2007

Visiting the North Pole

Last Saturday, the boys' preschool turned into the North Pole (really, according to Cordy!). We had a lovely morning of Christmas crafts, stories, doughnuts, and, of course, meeting Santa Claus! As you can see, though, Preston wasn't too thrilled with the big guy!

Poor Preston!

"I would like 2 Captain Jacks, please!" (If only he'd asked that nicely!!)


Cordy loved these huge packages that covered the stage at the "North Pole". He really, really wanted to open a couple! :-)


Where is Preston??


Thanksgiving -- Cousin Lisa

Well, so it's taken me quite a while to update our blog from Halloween! Goodness!

We had an exciting Thanksgiving here at the Grices. Aunt Terri and Uncle Chuck were very kind to share Cousin Lisa with us for a few short days and we were able to visit with her over the holiday. We offered her some warm weather and good 'ole southern hospitality as we schleped her around the city visiting various family members (well, Katie's family members...). Lisa faired very well and even squeezed in a visit to Georgia Tech -- a possible graduate school selection. We all had a great time!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


I apologize for the delay in getting the Halloween pictures onto the blog (there really aren't that many, anyway...), but I wanted Preston's big news to have some time at the top! :-)

The last 2 weeks of October were "Halloween weeks." I pulled Cordy's costume out the day we went trick or treating at Richard's office (about 8 days before Halloween) and he stayed in it through Halloween night -- even sleeping in it some nights. It just wasn't worth the arguments to get him to take it off. :-) Speaking of trick or treating at Richard's office... The firm set aside a day where the entire office is open to family trick or treaters. The people who want you to stop by their office put a print out of a pumpkin on their door and they all have candy. When I say they all have candy, I mean they ALL have candy. There are about 40 attorneys per floor, 1 administrative assistant per 2 attorneys, support staff -- so, potentially 60 or so people to visit. We made the rounds on Richard's floor and, after dumping the bucket twice to take in more candy, we finally convinced Cordy to head back to Daddy's office for a nice Coca-Cola (the child will do anything for a Coca-Cola!). We all had a great time, though, and managed to avoid the sugar high!

The Friday before Halloween we went with the McCords to "Boo at the Zoo". The zoo was open past closing and the kids got to trick or treat around the park, getting candy along the way. At the end (aka the children's part of the zoo) there was a carnival type of feeling with music, a jumpy, the carousel and train ride. The boys had a great time and we have put it on the list of things to do next year.

Finally, it was Halloween night. We met up with the McCords and had pizza before heading out to trick or treat. McCord and Hank were the two most knowledgeable Captain Jack Sparrows you've ever seen and Preston and Ella Kate were the cutest Mickey and Minnie combo. We ran the boys until they couldn't go any farther -- practically the entire way around the neighborhood. (Oh, and it's too bad that we didn't get a picture of the grown-ups in costume! Richard came in full pirate garb as another Captain Jack and Katie really didn't need the red wig as Raggedy Ann!)
It's SO hard to get all 4 kids looking at the camera at the same time!

Poor Preston, he just really wasn't sure about the whole costume thing. He'll have to get some pointers from his brother. :-)

Our 2 adorable Captain Jack Sparrows.

Daddy and Cordy having dinner inside the train car at the Old Spaghetti Factory before heading over to "Boo at the Zoo". Note that Cordy still has his costume on.

Cutie patootie!!! :-)

Friday, November 2, 2007


Preston had been taking 2-3 steps on his own for the past week or so, but he would always fall down when attempting more -- but this past Monday, he did it!! The boys were staying with CeCe and Pappy while Richard and I were on a business trip for a couple of days, but CeCe didn't say anything about Preston walking while we were gone. Imagine my surprise when I got him up from his nap the day we got home and he took off walking across the floor! I gasped so loud I actually scared him! :-) He's still a bit "wobbly" and can move faster when he crawls, but he's getting it!

Friday, October 12, 2007


You'd think with fans as cute as these, the Pack would still be undefeated!

Monday, October 8, 2007

McCord's 4th Birthday!!

Aaarrrggghhhh!!! Pirates Beware! Cordy's 4th birthday was a swashbuckling good ole pirate party.

Cordy's 2 little friends, Mitchell and Nathan, came over and enjoyed a few pirate themed games ("bobbing for apples" -- the sanitary version..., digging for buried treasure, and a treasure hunt). Everyone had a great time.

Sissy was very kind to follow the kids around on the treasure hunt and read the clues -- they all enjoyed the clue that read "to receive your next clue, you must walk the plank!" -- meaning they got to jump off the diving board -- the hunt took about a 30 minute break while they enjoyed a quick swim! :-)

The one absence Cordy kept noticing was his best buddy, Hanky, who was home sick with the fever Cordy had had the week before (see the post below...). Before his party, we took Hanky a balloon and Cordy wanted to move the entire party to Hanky's house so he could be there. :-)

The Cake -- it was yummy!!!
Daddy putting up the Jolly Roger! Aaarrrggghhhh!
Pirate Cordy in his birthday attire...
Preston enjoying the festivities! Smiling, of course.
Cordy playing with his new Black Pearl before the party started.
The kids weren't so excited about bobbing for apples...
Daddy was really excited, though...
Digging for buried treasure in the backyard!
Blowing out his candle -- it's a bit hard to see...
Finding a clue on the treasure hunt!
Ooohhh! What could it say?
Aarrgghh! A clue!
Cordy was not sure at all about walking the plank... He eventually jumped in from the side. :-)
The Black Pearl in the water!

Our Ill-fated Beach Trip

The key word in the title of this post is "ill".

Three weeks ago the moms decided it would be a great idea to take the kids down to the beach for one more weekend getaway while the weather was still hot. Hanky and Cordy thoroughly enjoyed their 1 morning of playing on the beach -- they had a little slew to play in and built several fabulous sandcastles and holes. All was going well until Cordy said, while still on the beach, "Mommy, I want to take a little nap..." This is the child who runs forever on the beach, not the child who naps on the beach. He fell asleep on the lounge chair by the pool (again, not normal!) and when he woke up, you could have fried an egg on his back. :-(

We left the beach early and returned home, where Cordy proceeded to give whatever he had to most of the rest of the family!

Sunday, September 16, 2007



Preston is moving and shaking all over the house. He has perfected the art of "pulling up" and is now trying his best to reach anything on top of a low table. He is getting more sure of himself on two feet and we feel sure he'll beat his brother by walking before 15 months!

Here are some shots of him moving around the house this morning.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

She's growing up...

Our little girl is growing into a beautiful young lady!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Is it a bedsheet?

.....No!! It's the Black Pearl!

What do you do on a weekend morning with 2 boys who are not happy playing with any of their other toys?? Pull out one of those old bedsheets in the Goodwill pile and, viola!, instant pirate ship.

McCord and cousin Hanky played in the Black Pearl for the rest of the morning and well into the afternoon. McCord took several stuffed animals into the ship for "crew members" and they even insisted on eating snack inside the ship.

Our den is a little messy right now, but who knew it could double as the ocean! :-)