Sunday, August 5, 2007


The past few weeks we have felt sure that Preston would be the Marines youngest recruit! He had perfected the "commando crawl" and really became quite fast moving with just his elbows and pushing off with his big toes. Last week, though, the bottom went up in the air and the knees have become much more important. :-) He is scooting around all over the place. Here are some pictures of "the crawl evolution".

The picture in the middle (with all the red welts on his face) was taken to remember just how allergic he seems to be to mosquito bites. Richard says it's a shame that he takes after me in this department. McCord never had this issue with the mosquitoes. Now I have bug spray in every conceivable place -- car, stroller, house, pool bag, etc. The only place I can't put the bug spray is on his face -- hence, the bites. :-(

1 comment:

The McCord Family said...

I love that last picture and that Presto is smiling in all of them! Go Preston Go!